Eroticon live 2016: Come push my buttons

NAME (and Twitter name if you have one)
Charlie Powell. I think I’ve got to the point now where Charlie feels enough like my other name that there’s a good chance I’ll respond if you shout it at me across a crowded room.

If you had the opportunity to rename yourself (or your blog) what would you pick?

Yeah, this is never going to happen because of how heartbroken I was when I found out a week or so ago that Twitter had permanently deleted my account and taken all my followers with it. I have no intention of returning actively to Twitter any time soon, but I’d had some good times building up that many followers and now they’re all gone *sigh*

Anyway, long story short, I have reclaimed @sexblogofsorts, so you’ll notice the account is active again – it’s just that now there are no tweets or followers! 

What are you most looking forward to at Eroticon Live and/or is there anything you are nervous about?

I’m super excited to finally meet Hy and Tabitha, and to catch up with lots of good friends, especially those who live overseas, like this lovely lady, and this one, too. 

Have you planned which sessions you will be attending or are you more of a spur of the moment kind of person?

You can probably safely assume I’ll be at most of the sessions relating to either blogging or writing fiction.

What essential items to your life will be bringing with you to Eroticon Live? (you can have a maximum of 5)

Bath oil, so I can chill out after my session, a notebook (because I forgot last year and had to buy a new one (shame!)), my novel-in-progress, in case I’m inspired to write, and my slides. Please god don’t let me forget my slides!

The fifth item is obviously copious amounts of white wine, though I’m hoping Bristol can provide that!

A new cocktail has been made on your honour, what would be the key ingredient and what would it be called?

I’m a bit hung up on one with lychee juice and rose syrup at the moment, so maybe ‘Every rose has its thorn?!’ Maybe I’d open a cocktail bar for other grouchy pessimists like me, too!

And finally… Complete the sentence; I have yet to…..

… ever actually use PowerPoint! So please do come along to my session, not only because it’s going to be really fun, with lots of chances to be creative (and probably prizes), but because I might need someone to help me push the right buttons!

5 thoughts on “Eroticon live 2016: Come push my buttons

  1. I feel the same as Rebel, I am so looking forward to seeing you. As for pushing the button, you are going to fine and if you need help I know this great guy who is the official tech support for the event 😉


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